Office Location
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1598

I am an undergraduate majoring in Wildlife Ecology with an Environmental Studies certificate. My current project focuses on analyzing the use of a new method of sample collection for diet analyses under the mentorship of Dr. Emily Fountain and Dr. Zach Peery with the help of Danny Hofstadter. My previous project with the Peery Lab focused on using morphometric measurements, specifically toe-pad length and body mass, to sex barred owls.
I am generally interested in community ecology, population ecology, and behavioral ecology. I am interested in all terrestrial vertebrates, but in the future, I hope to focus my work on endemic species. My ultimate goal is to return to Hawai’i, where I was born and raised, and work on conservation efforts focusing on the unique biodiversity on the islands.