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Bielski, L., C. A. Cansler, K. McGinn*, M. Z. Peery, and C. Wood* (2024). Can the Hermit Warbler serve as an old-forest indicator species in the Sierra Nevada? Journal of Field Ornithology 95(1): 4.

Gonzales*, H. M., D. F. Hofstadter*, W. A. Watson*, and M. Z. Peery (2024). Toe-pad length and body mass are reliable indicators of sex in Barred OwlsNorth American Bird Bander 48: 45-52.  

Jones*, G., C. Stanley, M. Z. Peery, C. Maxwell, and K. Wilson (2024). Accelerated forest restoration may benefit spotted owls through landscape complementation. Animal Conservation:

Kramer*, H. A., K. G. Kelly*, S. A. Whitmore*, W. J. Berigan*, D. S. Reid*, C. M. Wood*, H. Klinck, S. Kahl, P. N. Manley, S. C. Sawyer, et al. (2024). Using bioacoustics to enhance the efficiency of spotted owl surveys and facilitate forest restorationJournal of Wildlife Management e22533.

Kuntze*, C. C., M. Z. Peery, and J. Pauli (2024a). Asymmetrical predation intensity produces divergent antipredator behaviors in primary and secondary prey. Journal of Animal Ecology 00, 1-13.

Kuntze*, C. C., M. Z. Peery, R. E. Green, K. L. Purcell, and J. N. Pauli (2024b). Sex and age mediate the effects of rapid environmental change for a forest carnivore, the Fisher (Pekania pennanti). Journal of Mammology

Watson*, W. A., D. F. Hofstadter*, G. M. Jones*, H. A. Kramer*, N. F. Kryshak*, C. J. Zulla*, S. A. Whitmore*, V. O’Rourke, J. J. Keane, R. J. Gutiérrez*, and M. Z. Peery (2024). Characterizing juvenile dispersal dynamics of invasive Barred Owls: Implications of management. Ornithological Applications duad061.

Winiarski*, J. M., K. G. Kelly*, S. A. Whitmore*, J. P. Eiseman*, E. C. Netoskie*, H. A. Kramer*, C. M. Wood*, K. A. McGinn*, S. Kahl, H. Klinck, and M. Z. Peery (2023). California Spotted Owl Passive Acoustic Monitoring Program: Final Annual Report (2021-2022). U.S. Forest Service Region 5.

Wood*, C. M., J. Socolar, S. Kahl, M. Z. Peery, P. Chaon, K. Kelly*, R. A. Koch, S. C. Sawyer, and H. Klinck (2024). A scalable and transferable approach to combining emerging conservation technologies to identify biodiversity change after large disturbances. Journal of Applied Ecology 61(4): 797-808.

Wood*, C. M., F. Günter, A. Rex*, D. F. Hofstadter*, H. Reers, S. Kahl, M. Z. Peery, and H. Klinck (2024). Real-time acoustic monitoring facilitates the proactive management of biological invasions. Biological Invasions:

Wray*, A. K., M. Z. Peery, J. M. Kochanski, E. Pelton, D. L. Lindner, and C. Gratton (2024). Heterogeneous effects of bat declines from white-nose syndrome on arthropods. Ecology Letters 27(6): e14437.


Brunk*, K. M., R. J. Gutiérrez*, M. Z. Peery, C. A. Cansler, S. Kahl, and C. M. Wood* (2023). Quail on fire: changing fire regimes may benefit mountain quail in fire-adapted forests. Forest Ecology, 19(1), p. 19.

Fountain*, E. D., P. J. Kulzer*, R. T. Golightly, J. W. Rivers, S. F. Pearson, M. G. Raphael, M. G. Betts, S. K. Nelson, D. D. Roby, N. F. Kryshak*, S. Schneider, and M. Z. Peery (2023). Characterizing the diet of a threatened seabird, the Marbled Murrelet, using high-throughput sequencing. Marine Ornithology. 51:145-155.

Hack, B., A. Cansler, M. Z Peery, and C. Wood* (2023). Fine-scale forest structure, not management regime, drives occupancy of a declining songbird, the Olive-sided Flycatcher, in the core of its range. Ornithological Applications. duad065

Kelly*, K., C. Wood*, K. McGinn*, A. Kramer*, S. Sawyer, S. Whitmore*, D. Reid*, S. Kahl, A.  Reiss*, J. Eiseman*, W. Berigan*, J. Keane, P. Shaklee, L. Gallagher, T. Munton, H. Klinck, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M. Z. Peery (2023). Estimating population size for California spotted owls and barred owls across the Sierra Nevada ecosystem with bioacoustics and demographic data. Ecological Indicators. 154:110851.

Kuntze*, C.C., J.N. Pauli, C.J. Zulla*, J.J. Keane, B.P. Dotters, K.N. Roberts, S.C. Sawyer, and M.Z. Peery (2023a). Landscape heterogeneity provides co-benefits to predator and preyEcological Applications, p.e.2908.

McGinn*, K., M. Z. Peery, C. Zulla*, W. M. Berigan*, Z. A. Wilkinson*, J. M. Barry*, J. J. Keane, and B. Zuckerberg (2023a). A climate-vulnerable species uses cooler forest microclimates during heat waves. Biological Conservation, 283.

McGinn*, K., S. Kahl, M. Z. Peery, H. Klinck, and C. M. Wood* (2023b). Feature embeddings from the BirdNET algorithm provide insights into avian ecology. Ecological Informatics 74:101995.

McGinn*, K., B. Zuckerberg, J. N. Pauli, C. Zulla*, W. M. Berigan*, Z. A. Wilkinson*, J. M. Barry*, J. J. Keane, R. J. Gutiérrez*, and M. Z. Peery (2023c). Older forests function as energetic and demographic refugia for a climate sensitive species. Oecologia, 202, 831-844.

Ng*, E. M., E. W. Pidgeon, M. Z. Peery, and K. M. Brunk* (2023). Garbage in may not equal garbage out: sex mediates effects of ‘junk food’ in a synanthropic species. Journal of Urban Ecology, 9(1)

Watson*, W. A., C. M. Wood*, K. G. Kelly*, D. F. Hofstadter*, N. F. Kryshak*, C. J. Zulla*, S. A. Whitmore*, V. O’Rourke, J. J. Keane, R. J. Gutiérrez*, and M. Z. Peery (2023b). Passive acoustic monitoring indicates Barred Owls are established in northern coastal California and management intervention is warranted. Ornithological Applications, 125(3).

Wilkinson*, Z. A., H. A. Kramer*, G. M. Jones*, C. J. Zulla*, K. McGinn*, J. M. Barry*, S. C. Sawyer, R. Tanner, R. J. Gutiérrez*, J. J. Keane, and M. Z. Peery (2023). Tall, heterogeneous forests improve prey capture, delivery to nestlings, and reproductive success for Spotted Owls in southern California. Ornithological Applications 125(1).

Wright, M. E., M. Z. Peery, J. Ayars, B. P. Dotters, K. N. Roberts, and G. M. Jones* (2023). Fuels reduction can directly improve spotted owl foraging habitat in the Sierra Nevada. Forest Ecology and Management. 549:12140

Zulla*, C. J., H. A. Kramer*, G. M. Jones*, J. Keane, K. Roberts, B. Dotters, S. C. Sawyer, S. Whitmore*, W. Berigan*, K. Kelly*, A. Wray*, R. J. Gutiérrez*, and M. Z Peery. 2023. Forest heterogeneity outweighs movement costs by enhancing hunting success and reproductive output in California spotted owlsLandscape Ecology. 38:2655-2673.


Bougie*, T.A., M.Z. Peery, C.N. Lapin, J.E. Woodford, and J.N. Pauli (2022). Not all management is equal: a comparison of methods to increase wood turtle population viability. Journal of Wildlife Management

Brunk*, K.M., E.H. West*, M.Z. Peery, and A. Pidgeon (2022). Failed despots and the equitable distribution of fitness in a subsidized species. Behavioral Ecology, 33(5)

Hofstadter*, D. F., N.F. Kryshak*, C.M. Wood*, B.P. Dotters, K.N. Roberts, K.G. Kelly*, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, P.A. Shaklee, H.A. Kramer*, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2022). Arresting the spread of invasive species in continental systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment doi: 10.1002/fee.2458

Jones*, G.M., A.R. Keyser, A.L. Westerling, W.J. Baldwin, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, J.D. Clare, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2022). Forest restoration limits megafires and supports species conservation under climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20(4): 210–216, doi:10.1002/fee.2450

Kryshak*, N.F. and Fountain*, E.D., D.F. Hofstadter*, B.P. Dotters, K.N. Roberts, C.M. Wood*, K.G. Kelly*, I.F. Papraniku*, P.J. Kulzer*, A.K. Wray*, H.A. Kramer*, J.P. Dumbacher, J.J. Keane, P.A. Shaklee, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2022). DNA metabarcoding reveals the threat of rapidly expanding barred owl populations to native wildlife in western North America. Biological Conservation273, p.109678.

McGinn*, K.A., F.A. Atuo*, G.M. Jones*, B. Hobart*, D.J. Tempel*, S.A. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2022). Implications of non-ideal occupancy for the measurement of territory quality. Global Ecology and Conservation

Reid*, D.S., C.M. Wood*, S.A. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, H.A. Kramer*, N. Kryshak*, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, R.J. Gutiérrez*, H. Klinck, and M.Z. Peery (2022). Breeding status shapes territoriality and vocalization patterns in spotted owls. Journal of Avian Biology

Tempel*, D.H., A. Kramer*, G.M. Jones*, R.J. Gutierrez*, S.C. Sawyer, A. Koltunov, M. Slaton, R. Tanner, B. Hobart*, and M. Z Peery (2022). Population decline in California spotted owls near their southern range boundary. Journal of Wildlife Management doi:10.1002/jwmg.22168

Wilkinson*, Z.A., H.A. Kramer*, G.M. Jones*, C. Zulla*, K. McGinn*, J.M. Barry*, S.C. Sawyer, R. Tanner, R.J. Gutierrez*, J.J. Keane, and M.Z Peery (2022). Tall, heterogenous forests improve prey capture, delivery to nestlings, and reproductive success for Spotted Owls in southern CaliforniaOrnithological Applications,

Wilson*, E.C, B. Zuckerberg, M.Z. Peery, A.A. Shipley, and J.N. Pauli (2022). Experimental repatriation of snowshoe hares along a southern range boundary reveals historical community interactions. Ecological Monographs doi: 10.1002/ecm.1509

Wood*, C.M. and M.Z. Peery (2022). What does “occupancy” mean in passive acoustic surveys? Ibis

Wray*, A.K., C. Gratton, M.A. Jusino, J.J. Wang, J.M. Kochanski, J. Palmer, M.T. Banik, D.L. Lindner, and M.Z. Peery (2022a). Disease-related population declines in bats demonstrate non-exchangeability in generalist predators. Ecology and Evolution

Wray*, A.K and M.Z. Peery (2022b). Comparing little brown and big brown bat isotopic niches over the past century in an agriculturally dominated landscapeJournal of Mammalogy

Zulla*, C., H.A. Kramer*, G.M. Jones*, J. Keane, K. Roberts, B. Dotters, S.C. Sawyer, S. Whitmore*, W. Berigan*, K. Kelly*, A. Wray*, R.J. Gutierrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2022). Large trees and forest heterogeneity facilitate prey capture by California spotted owls. Ornithological Applications


Brunk*, K.M., S. Chinnici, A.M. Pidgeon, M.Z. Peery (2021a). Assessing the effectiveness of a forest Habitat Conservation Plan for a threatened seabird, the Marbled Murrelet. Ornithological Applications 123(3) doi:10.1093/ornithapp/duab020

Brunk*, K.M., E.M. West*, M.Z. Peery, and A.M. Pidgeon (2021b). Reducing anthropogenic subsidies can curb density of overabundant predators in protected areasBiological Conservation 256. 109081

Byer*, N.W., E.D. Fountain*, B.N. Reid*, K. Miller, P.J. Kulzer*, S.D. Schoville, and M.Z. Peery (2021). Land use and life history constrain adaptive genetic variation and reduce the capacity for climate change adaptation in turtlesBMC genomics 22(1): 1-16 doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109081

Hobart*, B.K., H.A. Kramer*, G.M. Jones*, B.P. Dotters, S.A. Whitmore*, J.J. Keane, and M.Z. Peery (2021). Stable isotopes reveal unexpected relationships between fire history and the diet of Spotted Owls. Ibis 163(1): 253-259.

Hofstadter*, D.F., N.F. Kryshak*, M.W. Gabriel, C.M. Wood*, G.M. Wengert, B.P. Dotters, K.N. Roberts, E.D. Fountain*, K.G. Kelly*, J.J. Keane, S.A. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, and M.Z. Peery (2021). High rates of anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in California Barred Owls are associated with the wildland–urban interfaceThe Condor 123(4). duab036

Jones*, G.M., A.R. Keyser, A.L. Westerling, W.J. Baldwin, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, J.D Clare, R.J. Gutiérrez, and M.Z. Peery (2021a). Forest restoration limits megafires and supports species conservation under climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Jones*, G.M., H.A. Kramer*, W.J. Berigan*, S.A. Whitmore*, R.J. Gutiérrez, and M.Z. Peery (2021b). Megafire causes persistent loss of an old-forest speciesAnimal Conservation.

Kramer*, H.A., G.M. Jones*, V.R. Kane, B. Bartl-Geller, J.T. Kane, S. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, B.P. Dotters, K.N. Roberts, S.C. Sawyer, J.J. Keane, M.P. North, R.J. Gutiérrez, and M.Z. Peery (2021a). Elevational gradients strongly mediate habitat selection patterns in a nocturnal predatorEcosphere 12(5):e03500. 10.1002/ecs2.3500

Kramer*, H.A., G.M. Jones*, S. Whitmore*, J.J. Keane, F.A. Atuo*, B.P. Dotters, S.C. Sawyer, S.L. Stock, R.J. Gutiérrez, and M.Z. Peery (2021b).  California spotted owl habitat selection in a fire-managed landscape suggests conservation benefit of restoring historical fire regimesForest Ecology and Management 479(1):118576.

Reid, D.*, C.M. Wood*, S.A. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, P.A. Shaklee, H.A. Kramer*, K.G. Kelly*, A. Reiss*, N. Kryshak*, R.J. Gutiérrez, H. Klinck, and M.Z. Peery (2021). Noisy neighbors and reticent residents: Distinguishing resident from non-resident individuals to improve passive acoustic monitoring. Global Ecology and Conservation 28:e01710.

Stephens, S.L., A.L. Westerling, M.D. Hurteau, M.Z. Peery, C.A. Schultz, and S. Thompson (2021). Undesirable outcomes in seasonally dry forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19(2), pp.87-88.

Wood*, C.M., S. Kahl, P. Chaon, M.Z. Peery, and H. Klinck (2021a). Survey coverage, recording duration, and species composition affect observed species richness in passive acoustic surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:885-896.

Wood*, C.M., N. Kryshak*, M. Gustafson, D.F. Hofstadter*, B.K. Hobart*, S.A. Whitmore*, B. Dotters, K. Roberts, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2021b). Density dependence influences competition and hybridization at an invasion front. Diversity and Distributions 27:901-912. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13240

Wood*, C.M., C. Zulla*, S. Whitmore*, D. Reid*, H.A. Kramer*, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, K. Roberts, B. Dotters, H. Klinck, W. Berigan*, and M.Z. Peery (2021c). Illuminating the nocturnal habits of owls with emerging tagging technologies. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 1-6. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1156

Wray*, A.K., M.Z. Peery, M.A. Jusino, J.M. Kochanski, M.T. Banik, J.M. Palmer, D.L. Lindner, and C. Gratton (2021). Predator preferences shape the diets of arthropodivorous bats more than quantitative local prey abundance. Molecular Ecology 30, no. 3 (2021): 855-873. doi: 10.1111/mec.15769


Bougie*, T.A., N.W. Byer*, C.N. Lapin, M.Z. Peery, J.E. Woodford, and J.N. Pauli (2020). Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) nest protection reduces depredation and increases success, but annual variation influences its effectiveness. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98(11): 715-724.

Byer*, N.W., B.N. Reid*, and M.Z. Peery (2020a). Genetically-informed population models improve climate change vulnerability assessments. Landscape Ecology, 35: 1215–1228.

Byer*, N.W., B.N. Reid*, R.P. Thiel, and M.Z. Peery (2020b). Strong Climate Associations but No Temporal Trends in Nesting Phenology of Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii). Herpetologica, 76(4): 396-402.

Jones*, G.M., R.J. Gutiérrez*, W.M. Block, P.C. Carlson, E.J. Comfort, S.A. Cushman, R.J. Davis, S.A. Eyes, A.B. Franklin, J.L. Ganey, S. Hedwall, J.J. Keane, R. Kelsey, D.B. Lesmeister, M.P. North, S.L. Roberts, J.T. Rockweit, J.S. Sanderlin, S.C. Sawyer, B. Solvesky, D.J. Tempel, H.Y. Wan, A.L. Westerling, G.C. White, and M.Z. Peery (2020a). Spotted owls and forest fire: Comment. Ecosphere 11(12) e03312. 10.1002/ecs2.3312

Jones*, G.M., H.A. Kramer*, S.A. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, D.J. Tempel* C.M. Wood*, B.K. Hobart*, T. Erker, F.A. Atuo*, N.K. Pietrunti*, R. Kelsey, R.J. Gutiérrez*, M.Z. Peery (2020b). Habitat selection by spotted owls after a megafire reflects their adaptation to historical frequent-fire regimes. Landscape Ecology 35: 1199–1213.

Stephens, S.L., A.R. Westerling, M.D. Hurteau, M.Z. Peery, C.A. Schultz, and S. Thompson (2020). Fire and climate change: Conserving seasonally dry forests is still possible. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Wood*, C., R.J. Gutiérrez*J.J. Keane, and M.Z. Peery (2020a). Early detection of  rapid Barred Owl population growth within the range of the California Spotted Owl advises the Precautionary PrincipleThe Condor 122: 1-10.

Wood*, C.M., H. Klinck, M. Gustafson, J.J. Keane, S.C. Sawyer, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2020b). Using the ecological significance of animal vocalizations to improve inference in acoustic monitoring programs. Conservation Biology.

Wilson*, E.C., B. Zuckerberg, M.Z. Peery, and J.N. Pauli (2020). The past, present and future impacts of climate and land use change on snowshoe hares along their southern range boundary. Biological Conservation 249: 108731.

Wray*, A.K., M.Z. Peery, M.A. Jusino, J.M. Kochanski, M.T. Banik, J.M. Palmer, D.L. Lindner, and C. Gratton (2020). Predator preferences shape the diets of arthropodivorous bats more than quantitative local prey abundance. Molecular Ecology.


Atuo*, F.A., K. Roberts, S. Whitmore*, B.P. Dotters, M.G. Raphael, S.C. Sawyer, J.J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez*, M.Z. Peery (2019). Resource selection by GPS-tagged California spotted owls in mixed-ownership forestsForest Ecology and Management 433: 295-304.

Berigan*, W.J., G.M. Jones*, S.A. Whitmore*, R.J. Gutiérrez*, M.Z. Peery (2019). Cryptic wide‐ranging movements lead to upwardly biased occupancy in a territorial species. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 470-480.

Byer­*, N.W., B.N. Reid*, and M.Z. Peery (2019). Implications of slow pace-of-life for nesting behavior in an armored ectothermBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 47.

Garcés-Restrepo*, M.F., M.Z. Peery, and J.N. Pauli (2019). The demography of a resource specialist in the tropics: Cecropia trees and the fitness of three-toed slothsProceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 2018-2206.

Gutiérrez*, R.J., G. Jones*, S.M. Redpath, A.B. Franklin, D. Simberloff, M.G. Turner, V.C. Radeloff, G.C. White, and M.Z. Peery (2019). Reinforcing the concept of agenda‐driven science: a response to Rohlf. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17(10): 556-557.

Hobart*, B.K., G.M. Jones*, K.N. Roberts, B.P. Dotters, S.A. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, M.G. Raphael, J.J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2019a). Trophic interactions mediate the response of predator populations to habitat changeBiological Conservation 238: 108217.

Hobart*, B.K., K.N. Roberts, B.P. Dotters, W.J. Berigan*, S.A. Whitmore*, M.G. Raphael, J.J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez, and M. Z. Peery (2019b). Site occupancy and reproductive dynamics of California spotted owls in a mixed-ownership landscapeForest Ecology and Management 437: 188-200.

Jones*, G.M., R.J. Gutiérrez*, H.A. Kramer*, D.J. Tempel*, W.J. Berigan*, S.A. Whitmore*, and M.Z. Peery (2019a). Megafire effects on spotted owls: elucidation of a growing threat and a response to Hanson et al. (2018)Nature Conservation 37: 31-51.

Jones*, G.M. and M.Z. Peery (2019b). Phantom interactions: Use odds ratios or risk misinterpreting occupancy modelsThe Condor: Ornithological Applications 121.1: duy007.

Jusino, M.A., M.T. Banik, J.M. Palmer, A.K. Wray*, L. Xiao, E. Pelton, J.R. Barber, A.Y. Kawahara, C. Gratton, M.Z. Peery, and D.L. Lindner (2019). An improved method for utilizing high‐throughput amplicon sequencing to determine the diets of insectivorous animalsMolecular Ecology Resources 19(1): 176-190. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12951

Peery, M.Z., G.M. Jones*, R.J. Gutiérrez*, S.M. Redpath, A.B. Franklin, D. Simberloff, M.G. Turner, V.C. Radeloff, and G.C. White (2019). The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 80-82.

Reid*, B.N., J.M. Kass, S. Wollney, E.L. Jensen, M.A. Russello, E. Viola, J. Pantophlet, J.B. Iverson, M.Z. Peery, C.J. Raxworthy, and E. Naro-Maciel (2019). Disentangling the genetic effects of refugial isolation and range expansion in a trans-continentally distributed speciesJournal of Heredity 122: 441–457.

West*, E.H., K. Brunk*, and M.Z. Peery (2019). When protected areas promote source populations of overabundant speciesBiological Conservation 238: 9pp. doi:108220.

Wilson*, E., A. Shipley, B. Zuckerberg, M.Z. Peery, and J.N. Pauli (2019). An experimental translocation identifies habitat features that buffer camouflage mismatch in snowshoe hares: conservation in the face of climate changeConservation Letters 12(2): e12614.

Wood*, C., R.J. Gutiérrez*, and M.Z. Peery (2019a). Acoustic monitoring reveals a diverse forest owl community, illustrating its potential for basic and applied ecologyEcology 100(9):e02764.

Wood*, C.M. and G. Jones* (2019b). Framing management of social-ecological systems in terms of the cost of failure: the Sierra Nevada, USA as a case studyEnvironmental Research Letters 14:105004. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab4033.

Wood*, C., V. Popescu, H. Klinck, J.J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez*, S.C. Sawyer, and M.Z. Peery (2019c). Detecting small changes in populations at landscape scales: A bioacoustic site-occupancy frameworkEcological Indicators 98: 492-507.

Wood*, C.M., S.M. Schmidt, and M.Z. Peery (2019d). Spatiotemporal patterns of the California spotted owl’s territorial vocalizations. Western Birds 50(4): 232-242.


Byer­*, N.W., B.N. Reid*, R.A. Seigel, and M.Z. Peery (2018). Applying lessons from the avian ecology to herpetological research: Techniques for analyzing nest survival. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 13: 517-532.

Garcés-Restrepo*, M.F., J.N. Pauli, and M.Z. Peery (2018). Natal dispersal of tree sloths in a human-dominated landscape: Implications for tropical biodiversity conservationJournal of Applied Ecology 55: 2253-2262.

Fountain*, E.D., J. Kang, D.J. Tempel*, P.J. Palsboll, J.N Pauli, and M.Z. Peery (2018). Genomics meets applied ecology: Characterizing habitat quality for sloths in a tropical agro-ecosystemMolecular Ecology 27: 41-53.

Hamilton, C.M., B.L Bateman, J.M. Gorzo, B.N. Reid*, W.E. Thogmartin, M.Z. Peery, P.J. Heglund, V.C Radeloff, and A.M. Pidgeon (2018). Slow and steady wins the race? Future climate and land use change leaves the imperiled Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) behindBiological Conservation 222: 75-85.

Jones*, G.M., J.J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez*, M.Z. Peery (2018). Declining old-forest species as a legacy of large trees lostDiversity and Distributions 24: 341-351.

Wood, C.M.*, S.A. Whitmore*, R.J. Gutiérrez*, S.C. Sawyer, M.Z. Peery (2018). Using metapopulation models to assess species conservation – ecosystem restoration tradeoffsBiological Conservation 224: 248-257.

Wray*, A.K., M.A. Jusino, M.T. Banik, J. Palmer, H. Kaarakka, J. P. White, D.L. Lindner, C. Gratton, and M.Z. Peery (2018). Incidence and taxonomic richness of mosquitoes in diets of little brown and big brown batsJournal of Mammalogy 99: 668-674.


Fountain*, E.D., J.N. Pauli, J.E. Mendoza*, J. Carlson, and M.Z. Peery (2017). Cophylogenetics and biogeography reveal a coevolved relationship between sloths and their symbiont algaeMolecular Evolution and Phylogenetics 110: 73-86.

Garcés-Restrepo, M.F.*, M.Z. Peery, B.N. Reid*, and J.N. Pauli (2017). Individual reproductive strategies shape the mating system of tree slothsJournal of Mammalogy 98(5): 1417–1425.

Gutiérrez*, R.J., D.J. Tempel*, and M.Z. Peery (2017a). The spotted owl in southern and central coastal California. Chapter 8 in: The California spotted owl: A synthesis of current scientific information. Gutiérrez, R. J., P. N. Manley, and P. A. Stine (Editors). U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-254.

Gutiérrez*, R.J., D.J. Tempel*, and M.Z. Peery (2017b). The biology of the California spotted owl. Chapter 2 in: The California spotted owl: A synthesis of current scientific information. Gutiérrez, R. J., P. N. Manley, and P. A. Stine (Editors). U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-254.

North, M., J. Kane, V. Kane, G. Asner, V. Berigan*, D. Churchill, S. Conway, R.J. Gutiérrez*, S. Jeronimo, J. Keane, A. Koltunov, T. Mark, M. Moskal, T. Munton, M.Z. Peery, C. Ramirez, R. Sollmann, A. White, and S. Whitmore* (2017). Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitatForest Ecology and Management 405: 166–178.

Pauli, J.N., C.C. Carey, and M.Z. Peery (2017). Green sloths and brown cows: the role of dominant mammalian herbivores in carbon emissions for tropical agro-ecosystemsMammal Review 47 (2): 164–168.

Peery, M.Z., R.J. Gutiérrez*, P.N. Manley, P.A. Stine, and M.P. North (2017). Synthesis and interpretation of California spotted owl research within the context of public forest management. Chapter 9 in: The California spotted owl: A synthesis of current scientific information. Gutiérrez, R. J., P. N. Manley, and P. A. Stine (Editors). U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-254.

Reid*, B.N., D.M. Mladenoff, and M.Z. Peery (2017). Genetic effects of history and life history on a turtle community inhabiting a changed landscapeMolecular Ecology 26 (3): 781–798.

Tempel*, D.J., R.J. Gutiérrez*, M.Z. Peery (2017). Population distribution and trends of California spotted owls. Chapter 4 in: The California spotted owl: A synthesis of current scientific information. Gutiérrez, R. J., P. N. Manley, and P. A. Stine (Editors). U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-254.

West*, E.H., E.K. Hofmeister, and M.Z. Peery (2017). Sero-survey for West Nile virus antibodies in Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri) captured in coastal California.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 53 (3): 582-585.

West*, E.H. and M.Z. Peery (2017). Behavioral mechanisms leading to improved fitness in a subsidized predatorOecologia 184(4): 787-798.


Dill-McFarland, K.A, P.J. Weimer, J.N. Pauli, M.Z. Peery, and G. Suen (2016). Diet specialization selects for an unusual and simplified gut microbiota in two- and three-toed sloths. Environmental Microbiology 18(5): 1391–1402.

Fountain*, E.D., J.N. Pauli, P.J. Palsbøll, and M.Z. Peery (2016). Finding the right coverage: The impact of read depth and sequence quality on SNP genotyping error ratesMolecular Ecology Resources 16(4): 966–978.

Jones*, G.M., R.J. Gutiérrez*, D.J. Tempel*, S.A. Whitmore*, W.J. Berigan*, and M.Z. Peery (2016a). Megafires: an emerging threat to old-forest speciesFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(6): 300–306.

Jones*, G.M., R.J. Gutiérrez*, D.J. Tempel*, B. Zuckerberg, and M.Z. Peery (2016b). Using dynamic occupancy models to inform climate change adaptation strategies for California spotted owlsJournal of Applied Ecology 53: 895–905.

Pauli, J.N., M.Z. Peery, E.D. Fountain*, and W.H. Karasov (2016)Arboreal folivores limit their energetic output, all the way to slothfulnessThe American Naturalist 188(2): 196–204.

Reid*, B.N., R.P. Theil, P.J. Palsbøll, and M.Z. Peery (2016a). Linking genetic kinship and demographic analyses to characterize natal and breeding dispersal in Blanding’s Turtle. Journal of Heredity 107 (7): 603-614.

Reid*, B.N., R.P. Thiel, and M.Z. Peery (2016b). Population dynamics of endangered Blanding’s turtles in a restored areaJournal of Wildlife Management 80(3): 553–562.

Tempel*, D.J., J.J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez*, J.D. Wolfe, G.M. Jones*, A. Koltunov, C.M. Ramirez, W.J. Berigan*, C.V. Gallagher, T.E. Munton, P.A. Shaklee, S.A. Whitmore*, and M.Z. Peery (2016). Meta-analysis of California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) territory occupancy in the Sierra Nevada: habitat associations and their implications for forest managementThe Condor: Ornithological Applications 118: 747-765.

West*, E.H., W.R. Henry, W. Goldenberg, and M.Z. Peery (2016). Influence of food subsidies on the foraging ecology of a synanthropic species in protected areasEcosphere 7(10): 1-15.


Mendoza*, J., M.Z. Peery, G.A. Gutiérrez, G. Herrera, and J.N. Pauli (2015). Resource use by two- and three-toed sloths differ in a shade-grown agro-ecosystem. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31: 49–55.

Stoelting*, R., R.J. Gutiérrez*, W.L. Kendall, and M.Z. Peery (2015). Life history trade-offs and reproductive cycles in Spotted OwlsThe Auk 132: 46–64.

Tempel*, D.J., R.J. Gutiérrez*, J.J. Battles, D.L. Fry, Q. Guo, M.J. Reetz, S.A. Whitmore*, G.M. Jones*, B.M. Collins, S.L. Stephens, M. Kelly, W.J. Berigan*, and M.Z. Peery (2015). Evaluating short- and long-term impacts of fuels treatments and simulated wildfire on an old-forest speciesEcosphere 6(12): 1–18.


Pauli, J.N., J.E. Mendoza*, S.A. Steffan, C. Carey, P.J. Weimer, and M.Z. Peery (2014). A syndrome of mutualism reinforces the life-history of a slothProceedings of the Royal Society B 281.

Peery, M.Z. and J.N. Pauli (2014). Shade-grown cacao supports a self-sustaining population of two-toed but not three-toed slothsJournal of Applied Ecology 51: 162–170.

Reid*, B.N. and M.Z. Peery (2014). Land use patterns skew sex ratios, decrease genetic diversity, and trump the effects of recent climate change in an endangered turtleDiversity and Distributions 20: 1425–1437.

Tempel*, D.J., R.J. Gutiérrez*, S. Whitmore*, M. Reetz, W. Berigan*, R. Stoelting*, M.E. Seamans, and M.Z. Peery (2014a). Effects of forest management on California Spotted Owls: Implications for reducing wildfire risk in fire-prone forestsEcological Applications 24: 2089–2106.

Tempel*, D.J., M.Z. Peery, and R.J. Gutiérrez* (2014b). Using integrated population models to improve conservation monitoring: California spotted owls as a case studyEcological Modelling 289: 86–95.

Vasquez-Carrillo*, C., V.L Friesen, L.A. Hall, and M.Z. Peery (2014). Variation at MHC class II B genes in marbled murrelets: Implications for delineating conservation unitsAnimal Conservation 17: 244–255.


Palsbøll, P.J., M.Z. Peery, M.T. Olsen, S.R. Beissinger, and M. Bérubé (2013). Inferring recent historic abundance from current genetic diversity. Molecular Ecology 22: 22–40. Invited Review.

Peery, M.Z., B.N. Reid*, R. Kirby, R. Stoelting*, E. Doucet-Bëer*, S.J. Robinson, C. Vasquez-Carrillo*, J.N. Pauli, and P.J. Palsbøll (2013a). More precisely biased: increasing the number of markers is not a silver bullet in genetic bottleneck testing. Molecular Ecology 22: 3451–3467.

Peery, M.Z. and R.J. Gutiérrez* (2013b). Life-history trade-offs in Spotted Owls: Implications for assessments of territory quality. The Auk 130: 132–140. Featured as “Editor’s Choice”.

Vasquez-Carrillo*, C., R.W. Henry, L. Henkel, and M.Z. Peery (2013). Integrating population and genetic monitoring to understand changes in the abundance of a threatened seabirdBiological Conservation 167: 173–178.


Moss*, W. E., M. Z. Peery, G.A. Gutiérrez-Espeleta, C. Vaughan, G. Herrera, and J.N. Pauli (2012). Isolation and characterization of 18 microsatellite markers for the brown-throated three-toed sloth, Bradypus variegatus. Conservation Genetics Resources 4: 1037–1039.

Pauli, J.N. and M.Z. Peery (2012). Unexpected strong polygyny in the brown-throated three-toed sloth. PLoS ONE 7: e51389.

Peery, M.Z., R.J. Gutiérrez*, R. Kirby, O.E. LeDee, and W.S. LaHaye (2012a). Climate change and spotted owls: potentially contrasting responses in the southwestern United StatesGlobal Change Biology 18 :865–880.

Peery, M.Z., R. Kirby, B.N. Reid*, R. Stoelting*, E. Doucet-Bëer*, S.J. Robinson, C. Vasquez-Carrillo*, J.N. Pauli, and P.J. Palsbøll (2012b). Reliability of genetic bottleneck tests for detecting recent population declines. Molecular Ecology 21: 3403–3418. Invited Review.

Peery, M.Z. and J.N. Pauli (2012c). The mating system of a “lazy” mammal, Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth. Animal Behaviour 84: 555–562.

Popescu, V.D., P. de Valpine, D.J. Tempel*, and M.Z. Peery (2012). Estimating population impacts via dynamic occupancy analysis of Before-After Control-Impact studies. Ecological Applications 22: 1389–1404.

2011 and prior

Moss*, W.E., J.N. Pauli, G.A. Gutiérrez, A. Young, C. Vaughan, G. Herrera, and M.Z. Peery (2011). Development and characterization of 16 microsatellites for Hoffman’s two-toed sloth, Choloepus hoffmanniConservation Genetics Resources 3: 625–627.

Palsbøll, P.J, M.Z. Peery,and M. Bérubé (2010). Detecting populations in the “ambiguous” zone: kinship-based estimation of population structure at low genetic divergenceMolecular Ecology Resources 10: 797–805. Invited Review.

Peery, M.Z., L.A. Hall*, A. Sellas, S.R. Beissinger, C. Moritz, M. Bérubé, M.G. Raphael, S.K. Nelson, R.T. Golightly, L. McFarlane-Tranquilla, S. Newman, and P.J. Palsbøll (2010a). Genetic analyses of historic and modern marbled murrelets suggest decoupling of migration and gene flow after habitat fragmentationProceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 697–706.

Peery, M.Z. and R.W. Henry (2010b). Recovering marbled murrelets via corvid management: A population viability analysis approach. Biological Conservation 143: 2414–2424.

Hall*, L.A., S.R. Beissinger, P.J. Palsbøll, J.T. Harvey, M. Bérubé, M.G. Raphael, S.K. Nelson, R.T. Golightly, S. Newman, L. McFarlane-Tranquilla, and M.Z. Peery (2009). Characterizing dispersal patterns of a threatened seabird with limited genetic structureMolecular Ecology 18: 5074–5085.

Peery, M.Z., S.H. Newman, C. Storlazzi, and S.R. Beissinger (2009). Meeting reproductive demands in a dynamic upwelling system: foraging strategies of a pursuit-diving seabird, the Marbled MurreletCondor 111: 120–134.

Peery, M.Z., L.A. Henkel, S.H. Newman, B.H. Becker, J.T. Harvey, C. Thompson, and S.R. Beissinger (2008a). Effects of rapid flight-feather molt on postbreeding dispersal in a pursuit-diving seabirdThe Auk 125: 113–123.

Peery, M.Z., S.R. Beissinger, R.F. House, M. Bérubé, L.A. Hall*, A. Sellas, and P.J. Palsbøll (2008b). Characterizing source-sink dynamics with genetic parentage assignmentsEcology 89: 2746–2759.

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